Murder mystery party games that you host at home with eight players. These are a hosting success.
Get eight friends together, each plays a unique character with a narrative describing their individual view of the story, what they saw, what they did, and their relationship to the other characters. One of you is the murderer. By analyzing the police report, crime scene photos, clue cards, and cross examining the other player suspects, a detailed murder mystery emerges that compels you to ask, which of us did it? You will have to explain your logic to convince the other players to agree with you though, or the murderer will win. Meanwhile, the murderer will be deceiving the group and misdirecting any attempt to connect the dots. It's time to start implicating your friends.
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This compact murder mystery is for one player with a little time on their hands. Full of interesting pieces, images, and style in addition to a deeply interesting murder mystery story.
The old asylum is falling apart, has fire damage, and some floors are said to be haunted. It is being closed down and you are in the last small group of inmates to be moved out. Then murder happens.
A bunch of kids are about to graduate and they are all having a ball at their Senior Prom. The problem is that it is about to be majorly disrupted, as will the lives of some of the students, and teachers. Who would think such a wholesome group of late century public school kids could act in such a way?
Pirates have valuable hostage that the English Navy wants. During the exchange a sudden storm casts them all together onto a deserted Island. There is jealousy, greed, fighting, and murder happens. Be your best pirate, or seaman, or pilot, or...? Many surprises abound.
This steampunk seance costume party takes place in the early century. Steam power is modern power, yet the age old drives of greed, lust, envy, and hate still guide us. And still, murder happens. All the guests arrive at the Lilly Hotel for a seance so ghosts are expected. Be assured of an interesting evening… and that someone ain’t gonna make it.
A movie star's limo, traveling on a winding mountain road during a blizzard, crashes into a snow bank. She discovers that she is in Danger Lake, the small town she had vowed to escape growing up. Then murder happens.
Each player has a unique character with their own individual view of the story, what they saw, and their relationship to the other characters. By reading this, analyzing the police report, crime scene photos, clue cards, and then cross examining the other suspects, a full and rich crime story emerges that begs to be solved. You must deduce who you think is guilty and then explain your logic to convince the other players. Meanwhile the murderer will be deceiving and misdirecting any attempt to logically explain the evidence. A truly unique problem solving cat an mouse game.
We're Launching Soon. Register now and get your Compact Murder Mystery.
As you can see, I started out here with five titles. Well there are five more tested and ready for final print production, which you can see to the right. So for the fans of these games, five more will definitely coming. I also have five more in various stages of rough draft, and twelve more cool ideas. The more support I get here, the more of these you will be able to play in the future. This is a dynamic and growing output, keep your eyes open for more. Supporters will be able to choose the themes they like best, and suggest more. Be prepared for more Compact Murder Mysteries as well, and other fun and intriguing games on the drawing board.
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